李文聰Lee Ocarina— 香港著名陶笛演奏家,世界最大陶笛生產商【風雅陶笛】之香港區代言人,昰【風雅陶笛】於香港區的唯一認證導師,是香港史上首位複管陶笛演奏家,也是資深長笛、古典結他導師及專業的香港樂手。

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p教學進修 / 補習proinvesthk

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個人資歷 * 本人已考獲英國倫敦聖三一學院長笛演奏文憑 (ATCL Flute Recital)及 英國倫敦聖三一學院鋼琴演奏文憑 (ATCL Piano Recital) 長笛演奏文憑 (ATCL Flute Recital) 鋼琴演奏文憑 (ATCL Piano Recita

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Our mission is to improve our clients' proficiency with lower total costs. We have the top-level computer professionals in our company, including Microsoft and Novell certified professionals, plus ex
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We have a very highly skilled work force enabling us to provide the highest quality service. Our management teams have over 15 years experience on providing professional IT solutions to our customers
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫匯俊資訊科技有限公司

Our vision is to deliver competitive advantages for enterprises and government organizations to progress by optimizing their information systems efficiency. C&T has the experience and knowledge o
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫IPL Research Limited

Secure Associates is a privately held company founded by a team of security software veterans & developers to provide enterprises & service providers with solutions to manage security informa
S手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Secure Associates Limited

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution For 20 years, Maximizer Enterprise has remained the chosen CRM solution for businesses. Proven, award-winning and flexible enough to meet the needs of c
M手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Maximizer Asia Ltd

Meta On-line Limited – an Innovative and sound IT solutions provider whose goal is to address the needs and challenges of SME. Our purpose is to help our customer run their business more effect
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫綽邦系統有限公司

JP Networking Solutions is a full service of Networking and Office solutions provider located in Hong Kong and China. Our Mission is to be the turnkey solution provider of choice for business in PRC,
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EPRO Systems Limited (EPRO), a listed company in Hong Kong, has a subsidiary group of companies offering a full range of services and solutions in the IT&C filed. Established in 1985 in Hong Kong
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Origen is a professionally hosted web-based email & collaboration solution for enterprises. It is provided on a simple monthly subscription basis. Our absolute transparency in pricing & all-i
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫天工軟件有限公司
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